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The Tenouk's advanced MFC programming tutorials Part 3. Learn Windows network (Winsock2) programming using C++ from the MFC classes. Visualize your networking and Internet programming with Windows GUIs, Browsers and Internet technologies







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From the advanced topics of MFC, let continue our Journey! In this tutorial you will be introduced to the Windows Socket (Winsock) programming using C++ (MFC). Before this, we have already covered C and Linux Socket (using GNU C), C and Winsock 2 (Win32 programming using Microsoft and standard C). You will see that some of the C Windows Socket API still been used here. You also will learn how to install, configure the Web Server on Windows Platform using Internet Information Services (IIS). IIS normally used to host Web, FTP, NNTP, SMTP services on Windows platform. Make sure you have a good C++ foundation in order to smoother your learning process. Here, Tenouk shows you how to setup Web and FTP server. You will also play around with ActiveX document server, opening various document type and Forms in Internet browser.

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C++, Winsock, WinInet and MFC


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Furthermore, in order to extend the Web server functionalities, you will also learn the ISAPI Extension and Filter. Some comparison on using WinInet and Winsock library also presented here. In this tutorial we try to grasp the fundamentals, then it supposed to be OK to try the new version of those MFC, Winsock and WinInet library.

In the meantime if you just start learning web services programming, you may want to use the latest Visual C++ 2005 compiler. This compiler is more stable with the .NET framework 2.0 and above. There are many more new .NET classes and the significant one is the XML classes. Other than those things, the GUI classes are ready for the Windows Vista and the future Windows OS. You can find thenew MFC version at MSDN.

Winsock, WinInet, C++ and Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) Topics


This is the final part of the MFC C++ programming tutorials. It is a continuation from the previous advanced MFC programming. Here we are migrating our programming level to the networking, learning how to use the MFC classes available for the TCP/IP and internet communication.

  1. Module 32 - Winsock/WinInet, TCP/IP, MFC and C++: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7 and Part 8.

  2. Module 33 - IIS Programming with ISAPI Extension/Filter: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 and Part 5.

  3. Module 34 - ActiveX Document Servers and Internet: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4  and Part 5.

  4. Module 35 - DHTML and Visual C++: Single Part.

  5. Supplementary - Internet Information Services (IIS), Setting-up Web Server: Part 1,Part 2.

  6. Supplementary - IIS, Setting-up FTP Server: Single Part.

  7. C++ & MFC Reference Books




More C++ & MFC Related Resources

  1. The Windows Template Library (WTL) - C++ library for developing Windows applications and UI components.
  2. The Win32++ - C++ library used to build windows applications which running on a wide range of free compilers, including Visual Studio Express and Dev-C++.
  3. Object Windows Library (OWLNext) is a modern update and extension of Borland's Object Windows Library for writing GUI applications in standard C++ on Microsoft Windows.
  4. List of Platform Independent GUI libraries - A list of packages implementing a platform-independent GUI (PIGUI). These can be used to develop software that can be ported to multiple platforms without changes to its source code.
  5. Apple GUI libraries - Apple products which include Graphics documentations.

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