Items in this page:
Now we are ready to run our first an empty Windows console mode application using C and Microsoft C to test the PSDK. Create a new Win32 console application project named win32prog. Add a C++ source file named win32progsrc. Make sure you set your project to Compile as C Code (/TC). Copy and paste the following sample code. Build and run the program.
// test program for Windows PSDK
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
// handle for file
// file and its path, the VC++ 2005 EE has been set to use unicode/wide character set...
LPCWSTR fname = L"c:\\mytestfile.txt";
// pointer to a variable that receives a set of bit flags that
// specify properties of the object handle. Used in GetHandleInformation()
DWORD lpdwFlags[100];
BOOL test;
// create a file with the given name
hFile = CreateFile(fname, // file to be opened
GENERIC_WRITE, // open for writing
FILE_SHARE_WRITE, // share for writing
NULL, // default security
CREATE_ALWAYS, // create new file only
// normal file archive and impersonate client
NULL); // no attribute template
// check the return value...
printf("Could not open %ls file, error %d\n", fname, GetLastError());
// just to check the hfile address...
printf("hfile address is = %p\n", hFile);
// print some info...
printf("%ls file HANDLE is OK!\n", fname);
test = GetHandleInformation(hFile, lpdwFlags);
printf("The GetHandleInformation() return value is %d, error %d\n", test, GetLastError());
// don't forget to close the opened file handle
// optionally delete the created file. Try uncomment it DeleteFile(fname);
return 0;
If you check the root folder, C:\, the mytestfile.txt should be created.
If you re-run the program, the output should return error 183 because the file was already exist. You can uncomment the DeleteFile(fname); line in order to avoid the error.
Seems our PSDK successfully installed and configured.
In Visual C++ Express, the Win32 Windows Application type is disabled in the Win32 Application Wizard as shown below.
To enable that type, you need to edit the file AppSettings.htm file located in the folder "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\VCWizards\AppWiz\Generic\Application\html\1033\".
In a text or html editor, comment out lines 441 - 444 by putting a // in front of them as shown here:
// WIN_APP.disabled = true;
// WIN_APP_LABEL.disabled = true;
// DLL_APP.disabled = true;
// DLL_APP_LABEL.disabled = true;
Or without commenting those lines, you can change the true value to false value to serve the same purpose.
Save and close the file and open Visual C++ Express.
Do some testing. From the File menu, click New Project. In the New Project dialog box, expand the Visual C++ node in the Product Types tree and then click Win32. Click on the Win32 Console Application template and then give your project a name, any name and click OK. In the Win32 Application Wizard dialog box, Windows application under the Application type is enabled. Click the Cancel button.
Tenouk also enable other disabled options in the VC++ 2005 EE Application wizard as shown below by setting the true to false values.
When we check the Application Settings in the Win32 Application Wizard for example, the related options are enabled. An example is shown in the following Figures.
From the previous sample Win32 (Microsoft) C code, you can see that for implementation specific, in this case Windows system, you need to find more information in order to build useful programs. Though our C knowledge provides a very good foundation, it is not so useful when we need to do platform or application specific coding. We need to dig more information. You can try compiling other Win32 C codes from Win32 Tutorial using VC++ 2005 EE but expect many warnings and/or errors! Previously, those codes compiled using VC++ 2003 .Net.
Other than the PSDK/SDK, sometime and somewhere you may find Windows DDK, Device Driver Kit. DDK is needed if you want to program Windows device drivers. At the moment this worksheet is prepared, to download Windows DDK you need to subscribe to MSDN or you can buy the CD. DDK also used when you want to program Windows Root Kit 1, Windows Root Kit 2 or if you want to access Windows kernel. Well, let summarize what we have done so far.
Item needed | What we can do? |
Building C/C++ console mode applications, standard C and Microsoft C. | |
Building C/C++ Windows based applications that include Win32 (Console mode Applications), Windows GUIs such as Windows forms, MFC, ATL, COM etc. PSDK/SDK should coming with Visual Studio 2003/2005 that includes Visual C++ 2003/2005 .Net. | |
Building C/C++ Windows device drivers. |
--------------------------End Windows pSDK: install, configure and use-----------------------