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 In the worst case, there must be an emergency exit!











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21.8  The Exception Specifications

  • Exception specifications are used to provide summary information about what exceptions can be thrown out of a function. Exceptions not listed in an exception specification should not be thrown from that function.

  • An exception specification consists of the keyword throw after the function's parameter list, followed by a list of potential exceptions, for example:

void test(int somecode) throw (bad_code, no_auth);
  • An exception specification isn't considered a part of a function's type. Therefore, it doesn't affect overload resolution. That means pointers to functions and pointers to member functions may contain an exception specification, for example:

void (*PtrFunct)(double) throw(string, double); 
  • PtrFunct is a pointer to a function that may throw string ordouble. You can assign to a function whose exception specification is as restrictive as, or more restrictive than PtrFunct 's exception specification.

  • An exception specification P is said to be more restrictive than an exception specificationQ if the set of exceptionsP contains is a subset ofQ's exceptions. In other words,P contains every exception inQ but not vice versa.  For example:

void (*PtrFunct)(double) throw(string, double);

// more restrictive than PtrFunct:
void One(double) throw (string); 
// as restrictive as PtrFunct:
void Two(double) throw (string, double); 
// less restrictive than PtrFunct:
void Three(double) throw (string, double, bool); 
PtrFunct = One; 	// OK
PtrFunct = Two; 	// OK

PtrFunct = Three;  // error, Three is not subset of the PtrFunct

  • A function with no exception-specification allows all exceptions. A function with an empty exception specification doesn't allow any exceptions, for example:

class Test
    	// may throw any exception
    	int One(char *VarPtr);
    	// doesn't throw any exception
    	int Two(double *VarPtr1) throw();

Exception specification



The function does not throw any exception.


The function can throw an exception.


The function can throw an exception of type type.


Table 21.2: Exception specification



void Funct() throw(int)

The function may throw an int exception.

void Funct() throw()

The function will throw no exceptions.

void Funct() throw(char*, T)

The function may throw a char* and/or a T, user defined type exception.

void Funct() orvoid Funct(...)

The function may throw anything.


Table 21.3: Exception specification example

// exception specification

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;


// handler function

void handler()

{cout<<"In the handler()\n";}


// int throw...

void Funct1(void) throw(int)


       static int x = 1;

       cout<<"Funct1() call #"<<x++<<endl;

       cout<<"About to throw 1\n";

       if (1)

       throw 1;


// empty throw...

void Funct5(void) throw()








// invalid, doesn't handle the int exception thrown from Funct1()

// void Funct3(void) throw()  

// {

//   Funct1();

// }


void Funct2(void)








// assume extern "C" functions don't throw exceptions

extern "C" void Funct4(void);

void Funct4(void)



int main()






           {cout<<"Caught exception from Funct4()\n";}


       return 0;





C++ exception handling specification


21.9  Exception Handling Overhead

21.10  Standard Exceptions

Class hierarchy





Thrown by new, an allocation request fails.


Thrown by dynamic_cast whenfailed cast to a reference type.


Thrown when an exception doesn't match any catch clause.


Thrown by typeid operator when the operand for typeid is a NULL pointer.

The logical errors are normally caused by programmer mistakes.


As the base class for all exceptions thrown to report errors presumably detectable before the program executes, such as violations of logical preconditions.


As the base class for all exceptions thrown to report a domain error.


As the base class for all exceptions thrown to report an invalid argument.


As the base class for all exceptions thrown to report an attempt to generate an object too long to be specified.


As the base class for all exceptions thrown to report an argument that is out of its valid range.

The run-time errors normally occur because of mistakes in either the library functions or in the run-time system


As the base class for all exceptions thrown to report errors presumably detectable only when the program executes.


As the base class for all exceptions thrown to report an arithmetic overflow.


As the base class for all exceptions thrown to report a range error.


As the base class for all exceptions thrown to report an arithmetic underflow.


The member class serves as the base class for all exceptions thrown by the member function clear() in template class basic_ios.


Table 21.4:  exception class

class exception



       exception( ) throw( );

       exception(constexception& right) throw( );

       exception& operator=(const exception& right) throw( );

       virtual ~exception( ) throw( );

       virtual const char *what( ) const throw( );


  • Some functions of the standard C++ library send exceptions that can be caught by including them within a try block. These exceptions are sent with a class derived from std::exception as their type.  It is better to use these exceptions instead of creating your own, because these exceptions have been tested.

  • Because this is a class hierarchy, if you include a catch block to capture any of the exceptions of this hierarchy using the argument by reference that is by adding an ampersand, & after the type, you will also capture all the derived ones.

  • Referring to the hierarchy of the exception, exceptions are caught in a bottom-down hierarchy: Specific derived classes exceptions are handled first, followed by less specific groups of exceptions that is, up to the base classes and, finally, a catch(...) handler:

  • Handlers of the specific derived objects must appear before the handlers of base classes. This is because handlers are tried in order of appearance. It's therefore possible to write handlers that are never executed; for example, by placing a handler for a derived class after a handler for a corresponding base class.

  • You can use the classes of standard hierarchy of exceptions to throw your exceptions or derive new classes from them.

  • The following example catches an exception of type bad_typeid (derived from exception) that is generated when requesting information about the type pointed by a NULL pointer:

// standard exceptions program example

#include <iostream>


#include <typeinfo>

using namespace std;


class Test1

{    virtual Funct() { };    };


int main ()


     try {

                Test1 * var = NULL;

                typeid (*var);


catch (std::exception& typevar)

{    cout<<"Exception: "<<typevar.what()<<endl;    }

     return 0;





C++ standard exception handling

class out_of_range : public logic_error 
     out_of_range(const string& message);

// out_of_range example

#include <string>

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;


int main( )




              string strg1("Test");

              string strg2("ing");

              strg1.append(strg2, 4, 2);



       catch (exception &e)


              cerr<<"Caught: "<<e.what()<<endl;

             cerr<<"Type: "<<typeid(e).name()<<endl;


       return 0;





C++ standard exception out_of_range program example




A type that describes a pointer to a function suitable for use as a terminate_handler.


A type that describes a pointer to a function suitable for use as an unexpected_handler.


Table 21.5:  <exception> typedef



Member function



Establishes a new terminate_handler to be called at the termination of the program.


Establishes a new unexpected_handler to be when an unexpected exception is encountered.


Calls a terminate handler.


Returns true only if a thrown exception is being currently processed.


Calls an unexpected handler.


Table 21.6:  <exception> member function






The class describes an exception that can be thrown from an unexpected_handler.


The class serves as the base class for all exceptions thrown by certain expressions and by the Standard C++ Library.


Table 21.7:  <exception> class member

// bad_cast

// need to enable the Run-Time Type Info,

// rtti of your compiler.  You will learn

//typecasting in another Module…

#include <typeinfo>

#include <iostream>

usingnamespace std;


class Myshape



    virtual void myvirtualfunc() const {}



class mytriangle: public Myshape



    virtual void myvirtualfunc() const

     {   };



int main()


   Myshape Myshape_instance;

   Myshape &ref_Myshape = Myshape_instance;


  try {

           // try the run time typecasting, dynamic_cast

            mytriangle &ref_mytriangle = dynamic_cast<mytriangle&>(ref_Myshape);


  catch (bad_cast) {

       cout<<"Can't do the dynamic_cast lor!!!"<<endl;

      cout<<"Caught: bad_cast exception. Myshape is not mytriangle.\n";


  return 0;





C++ standard exception bad_cast and RTTI example


// bad_alloc, first version, when the allocation is OK

#include <new>

#include <iostream>

usingnamespace std;


int main()


  char* ptr;


  unsigned longint Test = sizeof(size_t(0)/3);

   cout<<"The size of variable Test = "<<Test<<endl;



       // try some allocation...

       // size of an array must not exceed certain bytes

       ptr = new char[size_t(0)/3]

       delete[ ] ptr;


  catch(bad_alloc &thebadallocation)




  return 0;





C++ standard exception bad_alloc when the allocation is OK



C++ standard exception bad_alloc when the allocation is not OK


// set_unexpected

#include <exception>

#include <iostream>

usingnamespace std;


void myfunction()


   cout<<"Testing myfunction()."<<endl;

  //terminate() handler




int main( )


   unexpected_handler oldHandler = set_unexpected(myfunction);

  // unexpected() function call


   return 0;




C++ standard Windows exception debug error dialog box - Abort, Retry or Ignore



C++ Windows standard exception - Abort, Retry and Ignore


// bad_typeid

#include <typeinfo>

#include <iostream>

usingnamespace std;


class Test



    // object for a class needs vtable for the rtti...


    virtual ~Test();



int main()


     Test *ptrvar = NULL;


    try {

             // the error condition



    catch (bad_typeid){

       cout<<"The object is NULL"<<endl;


    return 0;





C++ standard exception bad_typeid exception class


// domain_error and typeid()

#include <iostream>

usingnamespace std;


int main()




     throw domain_error("Some error with your domain!");


  catch (exception &err)


      cerr<<"Caught: "<<err.what()<<endl;

      cerr<<"Type: "<<typeid(err).name()<<endl;


    return 0;





C++ standard exception domain_error and typeid() example


// invalid_argument

#include <bitset>

#include <iostream>

usingnamespace std;


int main()




// binary wrongly represented by char X, a template based…

bitset<32> bitset(string("0101001X01010110000"));


  catch (exception &err)


      cerr<<"Caught "<<err.what()<<endl;

      cerr<<"Type "<<typeid(err).name()<<endl;


    return 0;





C++ standard exception invalid_argument example


// runtime_error

#include <iostream>

usingnamespace std;


int main()


  // runtime_error



      locale testlocale("Something");


  catch(exception &err)


      cerr<<"Caught "<<err.what()<<endl;

      cerr<<"Type "<<typeid(err).name()<<endl;


    return 0;





C++ standard exception runtime_error program example


// overflow_error, storage reserved is not enough

#include <bitset>

#include <iostream>

usingnamespace std;


int main()




     // a template based…

      bitset<100> bitset;

      bitset[99] = 1;

      bitset[0] = 1;

        // to_ulong(), converts a bitset object to the integer

        // that would generate the sequence of bits

     unsigned long Test = bitset.to_ulong();


  catch(exception &err)


      cerr<<"Caught "<<err.what()<<endl;

      cerr<<"Type "<<typeid(err).name()<<endl;


    return 0;





C++ standard exception overflow_error program example


// range_error

#include <iostream>

usingnamespace std;


int main()




     throw range_error("Some error in the range!");


  catch(exception &Test)


      cerr<<"Caught: "<<Test.what()<<endl;

      cerr<<"Type: "<<typeid(Test).name()<<endl;


   return 0;





C++ standard exception range_error program example


// underflow_error, the negative storage...

#include <iostream>

usingnamespace std;


int main()




     throw underflow_error("The negative storage?");


  catch(exception &Test)


      cerr<<"Caught: "<<Test.what()<<endl;

      cerr<<"Type: "<<typeid(Test).name()<<endl;


 return 0;





C++ standard exception underflow_error program example

// ***********-except.cpp-***********

// exception, class and destructor

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;


// a prototype...

void TestFunct(void);


// class Test1 declaration...

class Test1



            Test1(){ };

            ~Test1(){ };

            const char *TestShow() const


                cout<<"In class member function *TestShow():\n";

                return "  Exception in Test1 class.";




// another class declaration, DestrTest...

class DestrTest







// constructor class implementation



        cout<<"Next, in constructor DestrTest():\n";

        cout<<"  Constructing the DestrTest...\n";



// destructor class implementation



        cout<<"Next, in destructor ~DestrTest():\n";

        cout<<"  Destructing the DestrTest...\n";



void TestFunct()


        // instantiate an object, constructor invoked...

        DestrTest p;

        cout<<"Next in TestFunct(): \n  Throwing Test1 type exception...\n";

        // first throw...

        throw Test1();



int main()


        cout<<"Starting in main()...\n";



                cout<<"Now, in the try block: \n  Calling TestFunct()...\n";



        // instantiate another object, constructor invoked...

        catch(Test1 q)


                cout<<"Next, in catch handler:\n";

                cout<<"  Caught Test1 type exception...\n";



        catch(char *strg)


                cout<<"Caught char pointer type exception: "<<strg<<"\n";


        cout<<"Back in main...\n";

        return 0;



[bodo@bakawali ~]$ g++ except.cpp -o except

[bodo@bakawali ~]$ ./except


Starting in main()...

Now, in the try block:

  Calling TestFunct()...

Next, in constructor DestrTest():

  Constructing the DestrTest...

Next in TestFunct():

  Throwing Test1 type exception...

Next, in destructor ~DestrTest():

  Destructing the DestrTest...

Next, in catch handler:

  Caught Test1 type exception...

In class member function *TestShow():

  Exception in Test1 class.

Back in main...


tenouk fundamental of C++ object oriented tutorial







Further C/C++ exception handling related reading:


  1. The source code for this tutorial is available inC/C++ Exception Handling source code.

  2. Check the best selling C / C++, Object Oriented and pattern analysis books at Amazon.com.





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C & C++ Exception Handling: Part 1 | Part 2