C++ STL algorithm, another search(), binary predicate and iterator program example


Compiler: Visual C++ Express Edition 2005

Compiled on Platform: Windows XP Pro SP2

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Project -> your_project_name Properties -> Configuration Properties -> C/C++ -> Advanced -> Compiled As: Compiled as C++ Code (/TP)

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To do: Using the C++ search() to find for the first occurrence of a sequence within a target range whose elements are equal to those in a given sequence of elements or whose elements are equivalent in a sense specified by a binary predicate to the elements in the given sequence in C++ programming

To show: How to use the C++ algorithm, search() to search for the first occurrence of a sequence within a target range whose elements are equal to those in a given sequence of elements or whose elements are equivalent in a sense specified by a binary predicate to the elements in the given sequence in C++ programming




// C++ STL algorithm, search()

#include <vector>

#include <list>

#include <algorithm>

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;


// return whether second element is twice the first

bool twice(int elem1, int elem2)

{return (2 * elem1 == elem2);}


int main(void)


// vector container

vector <int> vec1, vec2;

// list container

list <int> lst1;

// iterator for vector

vector <int>::iterator Iter1, Iter2;

// iterator for list

list <int>::iterator lst1_Iter, lst1_inIter;

int i, j, k;


// pushing data into the vector and list

for(i = 0; i <= 5; i++)


for(i = 0; i <= 5; i++)


for(j = 4; j <= 5; j++)


for(k = 2; k <= 4; k++)



// print the data

cout<<"vec1 vector data: ";

for(Iter1 = vec1.begin(); Iter1 != vec1.end(); Iter1++)

cout<<*Iter1<<" ";


cout<<"\nlst1 list data: ";

for(lst1_Iter = lst1.begin(); lst1_Iter!= lst1.end(); lst1_Iter++)

cout<<*lst1_Iter<<" ";


cout<<"\nvec2 vector data: ";

for(Iter2 = vec2.begin(); Iter2 != vec2.end(); Iter2++)

cout<<*Iter2<<" ";


// searching vec1 for first match to lst1 under identity

vector <int>::iterator result1;

result1 = search (vec1.begin(), vec1.end(), lst1.begin(), lst1.end());

if(result1 == vec1.end())

cout<<"\nThere is no match of lst1 list in vec1 vector."<<endl;


cout<<"There is at least one match of lst1 list in vec1 vector and the first one begins at position "<<int(result1 - vec1.begin())<<endl;


// searching vec1 for a match to lst1 under the binary predicate twice

vector <int>::iterator result2;

result2 = search(vec1.begin(), vec1.end(), vec2.begin(), vec2.end(), twice);

if(result2 == vec1.end())

cout<<"\nThere is no match of lst1 list in vec1 vector."<<endl;


cout<<"\nThere is a sequence of elements in vec1 vector that are equivalent to those in vec2 vector\nunder the binary "

<<"predicate twice and the first one begins at position "

<<int(result2 - vec1.begin())<<endl;

return 0;



Output examples:


vec1 vector data: 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25

lst1 list data: 20 25

vec2 vector data: 20 30 40

There is at least one match of lst1 list in vec1 vector and the first one begins at position 4

There is a sequence of elements in vec1 vector that are equivalent to those in vec2 vector

under the binary predicate twice and the first one begins at position 2

Press any key to continue . . .



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