Comparing the given two integers using the if conditional selection of the C syntax for greater than, less than or equal



Compiler: Visual C++ Express Edition 2005

Compiled on Platform: Windows XP Pro SP2

Header file: Standard

Additional library: none/default

Additional project setting: Set project to be compiled as C

Project -> your_project_name Properties -> Configuration Properties -> C/C++ -> Advanced -> Compiled As: Compiled as C Code (/TC)

Other info: none

To do: Comparing the given two integers using the if conditional selection C syntax for greater than, less than or equal

To show: How to use the if statement for simple selection in C programming for greater than, less than or equal





// A simple if statement usage

#include <stdio.h>


int main (void)


int x, y;


// Input the two values to be tested

printf("\nInput an integer value for x: ");


// read and store those inputs

/* scanf("%d", &x); */

scanf_s("%d", &x, 1);

printf("Input an integer value for y: ");

/* scanf("%d", &y); */

scanf_s("%d", &y, 1);


// Test values and print result

if (x == y)


printf("\nx is equal to y");


if (x > y)


printf("\nx is greater than y");


if (x < y)


printf("\nx is smaller than y");



return 0;



Output examples:


Input an integer value for x: 100

Input an integer value for y: 99

x is greater than y

Press any key to continue . . .




Input an integer value for x: 45

Input an integer value for y: 70

x is smaller than y

Press any key to continue . . .




Input an integer value for x: 77

Input an integer value for y: 77

x is equal to y

Press any key to continue . . .



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