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The C++ inheritance programming abilities:Able to understand and use duplicated member variable names.




16.4   Duplicated Variable Names

  • Examine the following program example namedmulinher3.cpp, you will notice that each base class has a variable with the same name, named weight.

1.    // program mulinher3.cpp

2.    #include <iostream>

3.    using namespace std;


5.    // class declaration and implementation part

6.    // class #1

7.    class   moving_van

8.    {

9.       protected:

10.        float   payload;

11.       float   weight;       // note this variable

12.        float   mpg;

13.    public:

14.        void  initialize(float pl, float gw, float input_mpg)

15.        {

16.           payload = pl;

17.           weight = gw;       

18.           mpg = input_mpg;

19.         };


21.         float  efficiency(void)

22.          { return(payload / (payload + weight)); };


24.         float  cost_per_ton(float fuel_cost)

25.          { return (fuel_cost / (payload / 2000.0)); };

26. };


28. // class #2

29. class  driver

30. {

31.    protected:

32.        float  hourly_pay;

33.        float  weight;         // another weight variable

34.       // variable with same name as in class number one

35.    public:

36.        void  initialize(float  pay, float  input_weight)

37.       // same method name but different number of parameter

38.        {

39.           hourly_pay = pay;

40.           weight = input_weight;

41.        };

42.        float  cost_per_mile(void) {return (hourly_pay / 55.0); } ;

43.        float  drivers_weight(void) {return (weight); };

44. };


46. // derived class with multi inheritance

47. // declaration and implementation

48. class  driven_truck : public  moving_van, public driver

49. {

50.   public:

51.       void initialize_all(float pl, float gw, float input_mpg, float pay)

52.      // another same method name but different number of parameter

53.       {

54.             payload = pl;

55.             moving_van::weight = gw;

56.             mpg = input_mpg;

57.             hourly_pay = pay;

58.         };


60.         float  cost_per_full_day(float cost_of_gas)

61.         {  return ((8.0 * hourly_pay) + (8.0 * cost_of_gas * 55.0) / mpg); };


63.         float  total_weight(void)

64.        // see, how to call different variables with same name

65.         {

66.            cout<<"\nCalling appropriate member variable\n";

67.            cout<<"---->(moving_van::weight)+(driver::weight)\n";

68.            cout<<"------------------------------------------\n";

69.            return ((moving_van::weight) + (driver::weight));

70.         };

71. };


73. // the main program

74. int   main()

75. {

76.       driven_truck   john_merc;


78.       john_merc.initialize_all(20000.0, 12000.0, 5.2, 12.50);

79.      // accessing the derived class method

80.       john_merc.driver::initialize(15.50, 250.0);

81.      // accessing the base class number two


83.       cout<<"The efficiency of the Merc is "<<john_merc.efficiency()<<" %\n";

84.       cout<<"The cost per mile for John to drive is

85.                                      $"<<john_merc.cost_per_mile()<<"\n";

86.       cout<<"The cost per day for John to drive Merc is

87.                             $"<<john_merc.cost_per_full_day(1.129)<<"\n";

88.       cout<<"The total weight is "<<john_merc.total_weight()<<" ton\n";


90.      // system("pause");

91.       return  0;

92. }


92 Lines: Output:


C++ Multi inheritance duplicate variable program example

return ((moving_van::weight) + (driver::weight));

16.5  Parameterized Types

16.6    Template – A Function Template

1.                  // using function template
2.                  #include <iostream>
3.                  using namespace std;
5.                  // template declaration
6.                  template
7.                           <class ANY_TYPE> ANY_TYPE maximum(ANY_TYPE a, ANY_TYPE b)
8.                  {
9.                     return (a > b) ? a : b;
10.               }
12.               // the main program
13.               int  main(void)
14.               {
15.               int    x = 10, y = -9;
16.               float  real = 3.1415;
17.               char   ch = 'C';
19.               cout<<"maximum("<<x<<", "<<y<<")     = "<<maximum(x, y)<<"\n";
20.               cout<<"maximum(-47, "<<y<<")     = "<<maximum(-47,y)<<"\n";
21.               cout<<"maximum("<<real<<", "<<float(y)<<") = 
22.                                                         "<<maximum(real,float(y))<<"\n";
23.               cout<<"maximum("<<real<<", "<<float(x)<<") = 
24.                                                         "<<maximum(real,float(x))<<"\n";
25.               cout<<"maximum("<<ch<<", "<<'A'<<")     = "<<maximum(ch, 'A')<<"\n";
27.               // system("pause");
29.               return 0;
30.               }


30 Lines: Output:


C++ Multi inheritance function template program example

// template declaration
template <class ANY_TYPE> ANY_TYPE maximum(ANY_TYPE a, ANY_TYPE b)
   return (a > b) ? a : b;
  • This type can be replaced by any type which can be used in the comparison operation in line 9. If you have defined a class, and you have overloaded the operator ">", then this template can be used with objects of your class. Thus, you don't have to write a maximum function for each type or class in your program.

  • This function is included automatically for each type it is called with in the program, and the code itself should be very easy to understand.

  • You should realize that nearly the same effect can be achieved through the use of a macro, except that when a macro is used, the strict type checking is not done. Because of this and because of the availability of the inline function capability in C++, the use of macros is essentially been considered non-existent by experienced programmers.

16.7    Template - A Class template

  • The following program example named template2.cpp provides a template for an entire class rather than a single function. The template code is given in lines 8 through 17 and actually it is an entire class definition.

1.    // a class template

2.    #include   <iostream>

3.     using namespace std;


5.    const  int  MAXSIZE = 128;


7.    // a class template

8.    template  <class   ANY_TYPE>  class  stack

9.    {

10.        ANY_TYPE  array[MAXSIZE];

11.        int  stack_pointer;

12.        public:

13.            stack(void)   { stack_pointer = 0; };

14.            void push(ANY_TYPE input_data){ array[stack_pointer++] = input_data; };

15.            ANY_TYPE pop(void)    { return  array[--stack_pointer]; };

16.            int empty(void)       { return  (stack_pointer == 0); };

17. };


19. char  name[ ] = "Testing, this is an array, name[ ]";


21. // the main program

22. int   main(void)

23. {

24.     int     x = 30, y = -10;

25.     float   real = 4.2425;


27.     stack<int>      int_stack;

28.     stack<float>    float_stack;

29.     stack<char *>   string_stack;


31.     // storing data

32.     int_stack.push(x);

33.     int_stack.push(y);

34.     int_stack.push(67);


36.     float_stack.push(real);

37.     float_stack.push(-20.473);

38.     float_stack.push(107.03);


40.     string_stack.push("This is the first line of string");

41.     string_stack.push("This is the second line of string");

42.     string_stack.push("This is the third line of string");

43.     string_stack.push(name);


45.     // displaying data

46.     cout<<"---------------Displaying data--------------------\n";

47.     cout<<"\nInteger stack\n";

48.     cout<<"-------------\n";

49.     cout<<"Access using int_stack.pop(), first time : "<<int_stack.pop()<<"\n";

50.     cout<<"Access using int_stack.pop(), second time: "<<int_stack.pop()<<"\n";

51.     cout<<"Access using int_stack.pop(), third time : "<<int_stack.pop()<<"\n";


53.     cout<<"\nFloat stack\n";

54.     cout<<"-------------\n";

55.     cout<<"Access using float_stack.pop(), first time :

56.                                                  "<<float_stack.pop()<<"\n";

57.     cout<<"Access using float_stack.pop(), second time:

58.                                                  "<<float_stack.pop()<<"\n";

59.     cout<<"Access using float_stack.pop(), third time :

60.                                                  "<<float_stack.pop()<<"\n";


62.     cout<<"\nString stack\n";

63.     cout<<"-------------\n";

64.     do

65.     {

66.         cout<<"Access using string_stack.pop(): "<<string_stack.pop()<<"\n";

67.     }   while (!string_stack.empty());



70.   // system("pause");

71.    return  0;

72. }


72 Lines: Output:


C++ Multi inheritance class template program example

stack<int>      int_stack;

stack<float>    float_stack;

tenouk fundamental of C++ multi-inheritance programming








Further C++ multi inheritance reading:


  1. The source code is available in C++ Multi Inheritance source code.

  2. Check the best selling C / C++ and object oriented books at Amazon.com.

  3. The Visual C++ .NET programming tutorials.

  4. See MFC library class hierarchy chart here.

  5. Typecasting that discussed in C/C++ Typecasting tutorial extensively deals with Inheritance and Multi inheritance.






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