C++ STL reverse_iterator::operator[ ] program example


Compiler: Visual C++ Express Edition 2005

Compiled on Platform: Windows XP Pro SP2

Header file: Standard

Additional project setting: Set project to be compiled as C++

Project -> your_project_name Properties -> Configuration Properties -> C/C++ -> Advanced -> Compiled As: Compiled as C++ Code (/TP)

Other info: none

To do: Using the C++ reverse_iterator, operator[ ] to return a reference to an element offset from the element addressed by a reverse_iterator by a specified number of positions in C++ programming

To show: How to use the C++ reverse_iterator, operator[ ] to return a reference to an element offset from the element addressed by a reverse_iterator by a specified number of positions in C++ programming




// C++ STL reverse_iterator, operator[ ]

#include <iterator>

#include <algorithm>

#include <vector>

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;


int main(void)


int i;

// vector container

vector<int> vec;


// push data in range, constructing the vector

for(i = 10; i<=17; ++i)



// vector iterators

vector <int>::iterator vIter;



cout<<"The vec vector data: ";

for(vIter = vec.begin(); vIter != vec.end(); vIter++)

cout<<*vIter<<" ";



vector <int>::reverse_iterator rvIter;


cout<<"The vec vector reversed data: ";

for(rvIter = vec.rbegin(); rvIter != vec.rend(); rvIter++)

cout<<*rvIter<<" ";



vector <int>::iterator pos;

cout<<"\nFinding data, 15...."<<endl;

cout<<"Operation: pos = find(vec.begin(), vec.end(), 15)"<<endl;

pos = find(vec.begin(), vec.end(), 15);

cout<<"The iterator pos points to: "<<*pos<<endl;


// vector reverse iterators

reverse_iterator<vector<int>::iterator> rpos(pos);


// declare a difference type for a parameter

reverse_iterator<vector<int>::iterator>::difference_type diff = 3;

cout<<"\nOperation: rpos(pos)"<<endl;

cout<<"The iterator rpos points to: "<<*rpos<<endl;


// declare a reference return type & use operator[ ]

reverse_iterator<vector<int>::iterator>::reference refrpos = rpos[diff];

cout<<"\nOperation: refrpos = rpos[diff], where diff = 3"<<endl;

cout<<"The iterator rpos now points to: "<<refrpos<<endl;

return 0;



Output examples:



The vec vector data: 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17


The vec vector reversed data: 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10

Finding data, 15....

Operation: pos = find(vec.begin(), vec.end(), 15)

The iterator pos points to: 15

Operation: rpos(pos)

The iterator rpos points to: 14

Operation: refrpos = rpos[diff], where diff = 3

The iterator rpos now points to: 11

Press any key to continue . . .



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